Example plugin: Public Prefix-N-Shorten
Redirect all the "Prefix n' Shorten" URLs (eg https://sho.rt/https://somelongurl.com/
) to a public interface instead of the admin area.
- In
, create a new folder namedpublic-pns
- In this new directory, create a blank file named
- In this new file, cut and paste the following code
- Go to the Plugins administration page and activate the plugin
Plugin Name: Public Prefix-N-Shorten
Plugin URI: https://yourls.org/
Description: Redirect "Prefix n' Shorten" bookmarklets to public interface
Version: 1.0
Author: Ozh
Author URI: https://ozh.org/
// URL of your public interface, with query parameter to which the long URL will be passed
// This URL must contain a query string with "parameter equals %" (eg "url=%")
define( 'OZH_PUBPNF_URL', 'https://shor.rt/public.php?url=%' );
yourls_add_action( 'load_template_redirect_admin', 'ozh_pubpnf' );
function ozh_pubpnf( $args ) {
// Long URL requested?
$url = $args[0];
// If logged in and don't want to change behavior for logged in users, do nothing
if( yourls_is_valid_user() === true )
// Otherwise, interrupt
$redirect = str_replace( '%', rawurlencode( $url ), OZH_PUBPNF_URL );
yourls_redirect( $redirect, 302 );
You must have a public interface up and running, duh. For instance rename the provided sample public interface to public.php
and edit its look and feel to suit your needs.
This public interface must accept a long URL as a query parameter (for instance 'url' as in
the sample provided). Edit OZH_PUBPNF_URL
to reflect the public interface location and the parameter name.