To date: 362 hooks, 108 actions, 254 filters
Hook type | Hook name | Hook location |
filter | $hook | /includes/functions-deprecated.php:254#, /includes/functions-plugins.php:194#, /includes/functions-plugins.php:244#, /includes/functions-plugins.php:275# |
filter | action_links | /includes/functions-html.php:606# |
action | activated_plugin | /includes/functions-plugins.php:670# |
action | activated_{$plugin} | /includes/functions-plugins.php:671# |
filter | add_new_link | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:165# |
action | add_new_link_already_stored | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:79# |
filter | add_new_link_already_stored_filter | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:90# |
action | add_new_link_create_keyword | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:120# |
action | add_new_link_custom_keyword | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:103# |
filter | add_new_link_fail_noloop | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:72# |
filter | add_new_link_fail_nourl | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:59# |
filter | add_new_link_keyword_exists | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:115# |
filter | add_new_title | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:99# |
action | add_option | /includes/Database/Options.php:220# |
filter | add_row_protocol_warning | /includes/functions-html.php:613# |
action | admin_headers | /includes/functions-html.php:66# |
action | admin_init | /includes/Config/Init.php:122# |
filter | admin_links | /includes/functions-html.php:823# |
filter | admin_list_where | /admin/index.php:294# |
action | admin_menu | /includes/functions-html.php:854# |
action | admin_notice | /includes/functions-html.php:857# |
action | admin_notices | /includes/functions-html.php:856# |
action | admin_page_after_table | /admin/index.php:318# |
action | admin_page_before_content | /admin/index.php:241# |
action | admin_page_before_form | /admin/index.php:254# |
action | admin_page_before_table | /admin/index.php:268# |
filter | admin_params_possible_date_sort | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:68# |
filter | admin_params_possible_search | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:55# |
filter | admin_params_possible_sort | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:57# |
filter | admin_params_possible_translations | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:59# |
filter | admin_sublinks | /includes/functions-html.php:824# |
filter | admin_url | /includes/functions-links.php:171# |
filter | admin_view_click_filter | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:212# |
filter | admin_view_click_limit | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:226# |
filter | admin_view_date_filter | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:243# |
filter | admin_view_date_first_between | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:265# |
filter | admin_view_date_first_unset | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:272# |
filter | admin_view_date_first_{$date_filter} | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:254# |
filter | admin_view_date_second_between | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:266# |
filter | admin_view_date_second_unset | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:273# |
filter | admin_view_get_search_text | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:132# |
filter | admin_view_per_page | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:88# |
filter | admin_view_search_in | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:148# |
filter | admin_view_sort_by | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:167# |
filter | admin_view_sort_order | /includes/Views/AdminParams.php:198# |
filter | allow_duplicate_longurls | /includes/functions.php:614# |
action | api | /yourls-api.php:16# |
filter | api_action_{$action} | /yourls-api.php:35# |
filter | api_actions | /yourls-api.php:27# |
filter | api_db_stats | /includes/functions-api.php:191# |
filter | api_expand | /includes/functions-api.php:240# |
action | api_output | /includes/functions-api.php:158# |
filter | api_result_db_stats | /includes/functions-api.php:47# |
filter | api_result_expand | /includes/functions-api.php:69# |
filter | api_result_shorturl | /includes/functions-api.php:24# |
filter | api_result_stats | /includes/functions-api.php:37# |
filter | api_result_url_stats | /includes/functions-api.php:58# |
filter | api_result_version | /includes/functions-api.php:82# |
filter | api_stats | /includes/functions-api.php:175# |
filter | api_url_stats | /includes/functions-api.php:206# |
action | auth_successful | /includes/auth.php:28# |
filter | bodyclass | /includes/functions-html.php:73# |
action | bookmarklet | /admin/index.php:108# |
filter | bookmarklet_jsonp | /admin/index.php:134# |
action | check_ip_flood | /includes/functions.php:658# |
filter | check_timestamp | /includes/functions-auth.php:445# |
action | content_type_header | /includes/functions.php:357# |
filter | content_type_header_charset | /includes/functions.php:359# |
filter | cookie_name | /includes/functions-auth.php:564# |
filter | create_nonce | /includes/functions-auth.php:631# |
filter | custom_escape_real | /includes/functions-deprecated.php:347# |
filter | custom_keyword | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:106# |
filter | date_i18n | /includes/functions-l10n.php:667# |
filter | db_connect_attributes | /includes/class-mysql.php:56# |
filter | db_connect_charset | /includes/class-mysql.php:34# |
filter | db_connect_custom_dsn | /includes/class-mysql.php:45# |
filter | db_connect_driver_option | /includes/class-mysql.php:55# |
action | deactivated_plugin | /includes/functions-plugins.php:715# |
action | deactivated_{$plugin} | /includes/functions-plugins.php:716# |
action | debug_log | /includes/functions-debug.php:17# |
action | delete_link | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:246# |
action | delete_option | /includes/Database/Options.php:249# |
action | deprecated_function | /includes/functions.php:1222# |
filter | deprecated_function_trigger_error | /includes/functions.php:1225# |
filter | die_message | /includes/functions-html.php:491# |
filter | die_title | /includes/functions-html.php:490# |
filter | edit_link | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:333#, /includes/functions-shorturls.php:380# |
filter | encodeURI | /includes/functions-deprecated.php:73# |
filter | esc_attr | /includes/functions-formatting.php:498# |
filter | esc_html | /includes/functions-formatting.php:484# |
filter | esc_js | /includes/functions-formatting.php:672# |
filter | esc_textarea | /includes/functions-formatting.php:685# |
filter | esc_url | /includes/functions-formatting.php:568# |
filter | esc_url_protocols | /includes/functions-formatting.php:558# |
filter | geo_countrycode_to_countryname | /includes/functions-geo.php:139# |
filter | geo_get_flag | /includes/functions-geo.php:152# |
filter | geo_ip_path_to_db | /includes/functions-geo.php:32# |
filter | geo_ip_to_countrycode | /includes/functions-geo.php:62# |
filter | geo_use_cloudflare | /includes/functions-geo.php:22# |
filter | get_IP | /includes/functions.php:40# |
filter | get_all_options | /includes/Database/Options.php:78# |
filter | get_available_languages | /includes/functions-l10n.php:590# |
filter | get_cookie_life | /includes/functions-auth.php:535# |
filter | get_date_format | /includes/functions-formatting.php:790# |
filter | get_datetime_format | /includes/functions-formatting.php:779# |
filter | get_db | /includes/class-mysql.php:90# |
filter | get_db_stats | /includes/functions.php:196# |
filter | get_duplicate_keywords | /includes/functions-deprecated.php:216# |
filter | get_favicon_url | /includes/functions-links.php:270# |
filter | get_keyword_info | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:522# |
filter | get_keyword_infos | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:480#, /includes/functions-shorturls.php:497# |
action | get_keyword_not_cached | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:483# |
filter | get_link_stats | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:616# |
filter | get_locale | /includes/functions-l10n.php:49# |
filter | get_longurl_keywords | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:636# |
filter | get_next_decimal | /includes/functions.php:50# |
filter | get_nonce_life | /includes/functions-auth.php:550# |
filter | get_num_queries | /includes/functions-debug.php:43# |
filter | get_option_{$option_name} | /includes/functions-options.php:27# |
filter | get_protocol | /includes/functions.php:1169# |
filter | get_referrer | /includes/functions.php:223# |
filter | get_relative_url | /includes/functions.php:1195# |
filter | get_remote_title | /includes/functions.php:946# |
filter | get_remote_title_max_byte | /includes/functions.php:889# |
filter | get_request | /includes/functions.php:1030# |
filter | get_shorturl_charset | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:181# |
filter | get_stats | /includes/functions.php:177# |
filter | get_time_format | /includes/functions-formatting.php:801# |
filter | get_time_offset | /includes/functions-formatting.php:768# |
filter | get_timestamp | /includes/functions-formatting.php:757# |
filter | get_user_agent | /includes/functions.php:212# |
filter | get_yourls_site | /includes/functions-links.php:206# |
filter | hash_algo | /includes/functions-auth.php:256# |
filter | hash_options | /includes/functions-auth.php:266# |
filter | help_link | /includes/functions-html.php:800# |
filter | hmac_algo | /includes/functions-auth.php:610# |
action | html_addnew | /includes/functions-html.php:200# |
action | html_footer | /includes/functions-html.php:166# |
filter | html_footer_text | /includes/functions-html.php:158# |
action | html_head | /includes/functions-html.php:128# |
filter | html_head_content-type | /includes/functions-html.php:65# |
action | html_head_meta | /includes/functions-html.php:89# |
filter | html_head_meta_content-type | /includes/functions-html.php:86# |
filter | html_language_attributes | /includes/functions-html.php:942# |
filter | html_language_attributes_doctype | /includes/functions-html.php:931# |
filter | html_link | /includes/functions-html.php:733# |
action | html_logo | /includes/functions-html.php:18# |
filter | html_select | /includes/functions-html.php:384# |
filter | html_select_options | /includes/functions-html.php:376# |
action | html_tfooter | /includes/functions-html.php:357# |
filter | html_title | /includes/functions-html.php:79# |
filter | http_default_options | /includes/functions-http.php:141# |
filter | http_default_options_timeout | /includes/functions-http.php:131# |
filter | http_get_proxy | /includes/functions-http.php:105# |
filter | http_get_proxy_bypass_host | /includes/functions-http.php:118# |
filter | http_proxy_is_defined | /includes/functions-deprecated.php:278# |
filter | http_request_data | /includes/functions-http.php:238# |
filter | http_request_headers | /includes/functions-http.php:237# |
filter | http_request_options | /includes/functions-http.php:239# |
filter | http_request_type | /includes/functions-http.php:235# |
filter | http_request_url | /includes/functions-http.php:236# |
filter | http_user_agent | /includes/functions-http.php:257# |
action | infos_keyword_not_found | /yourls-infos.php:28# |
action | infos_no_keyword | /yourls-infos.php:9# |
action | init | /includes/Config/Init.php:82# |
action | insert_link | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:275# |
filter | int2string | /includes/functions-formatting.php:26# |
action | ip_flood | /includes/functions.php:667# |
filter | is_API | /includes/functions.php:780# |
filter | is_Ajax | /includes/functions.php:789# |
filter | is_GO | /includes/functions.php:798# |
filter | is_admin | /includes/functions.php:816# |
filter | is_allowed_protocol | /includes/functions.php:1142# |
filter | is_infos | /includes/functions.php:807# |
filter | is_installed | /includes/functions.php:705# |
filter | is_installing | /includes/functions.php:682# |
filter | is_mobile_device | /includes/functions.php:970# |
filter | is_page | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:430# |
filter | is_private | /includes/functions.php:600# |
filter | is_shorturl | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:207# |
filter | is_ssl | /includes/functions.php:860# |
filter | is_upgrading | /includes/functions.php:692# |
filter | is_user_from_env | /includes/functions-auth.php:711# |
filter | is_valid_user | /includes/functions-auth.php:93# |
filter | keyword_is_free | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:418# |
filter | keyword_is_reserved | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:227# |
filter | keyword_is_taken | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:458# |
filter | kses_allowed_entities | /includes/functions-kses.php:58# |
filter | kses_allowed_protocols | /includes/functions-kses.php:62# |
action | load-{$plugin_page} | /includes/functions-plugins.php:798# |
filter | load_custom_textdomain | /includes/functions-l10n.php:1017# |
action | load_template_go | /yourls-loader.php:50# |
action | load_template_infos | /yourls-loader.php:58# |
action | load_template_redirect_admin | /yourls-loader.php:37# |
action | load_textdomain | /includes/functions-l10n.php:465# |
filter | load_textdomain_mofile | /includes/functions-l10n.php:467# |
action | loader_failed | /yourls-loader.php:67# |
action | login | /includes/functions-auth.php:97# |
action | login_failed | /includes/functions-auth.php:116# |
action | login_form_bottom | /includes/functions-html.php:766# |
action | login_form_end | /includes/functions-html.php:773# |
action | login_form_top | /includes/functions-html.php:755# |
action | logout | /includes/functions-auth.php:40# |
filter | logout_link | /includes/functions-html.php:796#, /includes/functions-html.php:798# |
filter | match_current_protocol | /includes/functions-links.php:232# |
filter | maybe_hash_password | /includes/functions-auth.php:736# |
filter | needs_ssl | /includes/functions.php:834# |
action | new_core_version_notice | /includes/functions-html.php:980# |
filter | number_format_i18n | /includes/functions-l10n.php:608# |
filter | override_load_textdomain | /includes/functions-l10n.php:459# |
filter | override_unload_textdomain | /includes/functions-l10n.php:497# |
filter | plugin_url | /includes/functions-plugins.php:744# |
action | plugins_loaded | /includes/Config/Init.php:110# |
filter | plugins_sort_callback | /includes/functions-plugins.php:820#, /includes/functions-plugins.php:821# |
action | post_add_new_link | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:163# |
action | post_page | /includes/functions-html.php:913# |
action | post_redirect_javascript | /includes/functions.php:414# |
action | post_yourls_info_location | /yourls-infos.php:469# |
action | post_yourls_info_sources | /yourls-infos.php:536# |
action | post_yourls_info_stats | /yourls-infos.php:432# |
action | pre_add_new_link | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:75# |
action | pre_api_output | /includes/functions-api.php:107# |
action | pre_check_ip_flood | /includes/functions.php:630# |
action | pre_edit_link | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:352# |
action | pre_get_keyword | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:477# |
action | pre_get_request | /includes/functions.php:992# |
action | pre_html_head | /includes/functions-html.php:30# |
action | pre_html_logo | /includes/functions-html.php:9# |
action | pre_load_template | /yourls-loader.php:25# |
action | pre_login | /includes/functions-auth.php:47# |
action | pre_login_cookie | /includes/functions-auth.php:88# |
action | pre_login_signature | /includes/functions-auth.php:70# |
action | pre_login_signature_timestamp | /includes/functions-auth.php:58# |
action | pre_login_username_password | /includes/functions-auth.php:79# |
action | pre_page | /includes/functions-html.php:908# |
action | pre_redirect | /includes/functions.php:242# |
action | pre_redirect_bookmarklet | /yourls-loader.php:38# |
action | pre_redirect_javascript | /includes/functions.php:400# |
action | pre_setcookie | /includes/functions-auth.php:472# |
action | pre_share_redirect | /admin/index.php:151# |
action | pre_stats_countries_map | /includes/functions-infos.php:12# |
action | pre_stats_line | /includes/functions-infos.php:180# |
action | pre_stats_pie | /includes/functions-infos.php:47# |
action | pre_yourls_die | /includes/functions-html.php:482# |
filter | pre_yourls_info_countries | /yourls-infos.php:192# |
filter | pre_yourls_info_dates | /yourls-infos.php:187# |
filter | pre_yourls_info_direct | /yourls-infos.php:185# |
filter | pre_yourls_info_last_24h | /yourls-infos.php:191# |
filter | pre_yourls_info_list_of_days | /yourls-infos.php:188# |
filter | pre_yourls_info_list_of_months | /yourls-infos.php:189# |
filter | pre_yourls_info_list_of_years | /yourls-infos.php:190# |
action | pre_yourls_info_location | /yourls-infos.php:443# |
filter | pre_yourls_info_notdirect | /yourls-infos.php:186# |
filter | pre_yourls_info_referrer_sort | /yourls-infos.php:184# |
filter | pre_yourls_info_referrers | /yourls-infos.php:183# |
action | pre_yourls_info_sources | /yourls-infos.php:480# |
action | pre_yourls_info_stats | /yourls-infos.php:256# |
action | pre_yourls_infos | /yourls-infos.php:33# |
filter | random_keyword | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:126# |
filter | redirect_code | /includes/functions.php:244# |
filter | redirect_javascript | /includes/functions.php:401# |
action | redirect_keyword_not_found | /yourls-go.php:26#, /yourls-loader.php:66# |
filter | redirect_location | /includes/functions.php:243# |
action | redirect_no_keyword | /yourls-go.php:7# |
action | redirect_shorturl | /includes/functions.php:275# |
action | require_auth | /includes/functions-auth.php:14# |
action | require_no_auth | /includes/functions-auth.php:17# |
filter | rnd_string | /includes/functions.php:771# |
filter | robots_tag_header | /includes/functions.php:303# |
filter | robots_tag_header_replace | /includes/functions.php:304# |
filter | sanitize_string | /includes/functions-formatting.php:89# |
filter | sanitize_title | /includes/functions-formatting.php:110# |
filter | sanitize_url | /includes/functions-formatting.php:124# |
filter | sanitize_url_safe | /includes/functions-formatting.php:143# |
action | set_DB_driver | /includes/class-mysql.php:26# |
filter | set_cookie_value | /includes/functions-auth.php:575# |
filter | setcookie_domain | /includes/functions-auth.php:464# |
action | setcookie_failed | /includes/functions-auth.php:478# |
filter | setcookie_httponly | /includes/functions-auth.php:466# |
filter | setcookie_path | /includes/functions-auth.php:463# |
filter | setcookie_samesite | /includes/functions-auth.php:501# |
filter | setcookie_secure | /includes/functions-auth.php:465# |
filter | share_box_data | /includes/functions-html.php:425# |
action | share_links | /includes/functions-html.php:459# |
action | share_redirect_{$_GET[share]} | /admin/index.php:188# |
action | shareboxes_after | /includes/functions-html.php:465# |
action | shareboxes_before | /includes/functions-html.php:434# |
action | shareboxes_middle | /includes/functions-html.php:447# |
filter | shunt_add_new_link | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:34# |
filter | shunt_all_options | /includes/functions-options.php:43# |
filter | shunt_check_IP_flood | /includes/functions.php:626# |
filter | shunt_delete_link_by_keyword | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:238# |
filter | shunt_edit_link | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:318# |
filter | shunt_edit_link_title | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:392# |
filter | shunt_geo_countrycode_to_countryname | /includes/functions-geo.php:77# |
filter | shunt_geo_ip_to_countrycode | /includes/functions-geo.php:17# |
filter | shunt_get_database_version | /includes/functions-install.php:30# |
filter | shunt_get_db | /includes/class-mysql.php:83# |
filter | shunt_get_keyword_info | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:511# |
filter | shunt_get_remote_title | /includes/functions.php:875# |
filter | shunt_get_request | /includes/functions.php:987# |
filter | shunt_html_addnew | /includes/functions-html.php:180# |
filter | shunt_html_favicon | /includes/functions-html.php:1035# |
filter | shunt_is_valid_user | /includes/functions-auth.php:28# |
filter | shunt_keyword_is_taken | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:446# |
filter | shunt_log_redirect | /includes/functions.php:498# |
filter | shunt_maybe_check_core_version | /includes/functions-http.php:457# |
filter | shunt_no_frame_header | /includes/functions.php:339# |
filter | shunt_option_{$option_name} | /includes/functions-options.php:19# |
filter | shunt_robots_tag_header | /includes/functions.php:297# |
filter | shunt_send_through_proxy | /includes/functions-http.php:159# |
filter | shunt_share_box | /includes/functions-html.php:410# |
filter | shunt_update_clicks | /includes/functions.php:92# |
filter | shunt_url_exists | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:291# |
filter | shunt_yourls_create_sql_tables | /includes/functions-install.php:204# |
filter | shunt_yourls_http_request | /includes/functions-http.php:224# |
action | shutdown | /includes/functions-plugins.php:856# |
filter | site_url | /includes/functions-links.php:189# |
filter | skip_password_hashing | /includes/functions-auth.php:746# |
filter | skip_version_check | /includes/functions-http.php:506# |
action | social_bookmarklet_buttons_after | /admin/tools.php:281# |
filter | stat_query_country | /yourls-infos.php:97# |
filter | stat_query_dates | /yourls-infos.php:120# |
filter | stat_query_last24h | /yourls-infos.php:163# |
filter | stat_query_referrer | /yourls-infos.php:62# |
filter | stats_countries_map | /includes/functions-infos.php:32# |
filter | stats_countries_map_options | /includes/functions-infos.php:28# |
filter | stats_line | /includes/functions-infos.php:211# |
filter | stats_line_options | /includes/functions-infos.php:207# |
filter | stats_pie | /includes/functions-infos.php:89# |
filter | stats_pie_options | /includes/functions-infos.php:82# |
action | status_header | /includes/functions.php:374# |
filter | string2htmlid | /includes/functions-deprecated.php:93# |
filter | string2int | /includes/functions-formatting.php:48# |
filter | table_add_row | /includes/functions-html.php:660# |
filter | table_add_row_action_array | /includes/functions-html.php:596# |
filter | table_add_row_cell_array | /includes/functions-html.php:650# |
filter | table_edit_row | /includes/functions-html.php:534# |
filter | table_end | /includes/functions-html.php:714# |
filter | table_head_cells | /includes/functions-html.php:674# |
filter | table_head_end | /includes/functions-html.php:687# |
filter | table_head_start | /includes/functions-html.php:672# |
filter | table_tbody_end | /includes/functions-html.php:705# |
filter | table_tbody_start | /includes/functions-html.php:696# |
filter | translate | /includes/functions-l10n.php:67# |
filter | translate_n | /includes/functions-l10n.php:341# |
filter | translate_nx | /includes/functions-l10n.php:361# |
filter | translate_with_context | /includes/functions-l10n.php:88# |
filter | trim_long_string | /includes/functions-formatting.php:229# |
filter | unique_element_id | /includes/functions-formatting.php:64# |
action | unload_textdomain | /includes/functions-l10n.php:502# |
action | update_clicks | /includes/functions.php:114# |
action | update_next_decimal | /includes/functions.php:69# |
action | update_option | /includes/Database/Options.php:175# |
filter | url_exists | /includes/functions-shorturls.php:304# |
filter | verify_nonce | /includes/functions-auth.php:688# |
filter | version_check_stuff | /includes/functions-http.php:331# |
action | yourls_ajax_{$action} | /admin/admin-ajax.php:44# |
action | yourls_die | /includes/functions-html.php:493# |
filter | yourls_link | /includes/functions-links.php:144# |
filter | yourls_salt | /includes/functions-auth.php:600# |
filter | yourls_statlink | /includes/functions-links.php:157# |
Generated: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 at 04:30:03
This list is generated every night against the current development version (master branch) of YOURLS.